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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Soul TrippIn(dia)

Dear wonderful humans at Creativeland Asia,

What an unbelievable opportunity. Adventuring with you all would truly be a dream. I'm a passionate lady with creative spunk who has been hungering for India for almost a year now as I make my jump from the land of public policy to animation.

In 2012, I moved to Detroit with three of the most talented people I know to start a design collective, Wedge Detroit. We wanted to take creativity and art to a place with a rich history and a lot of need.

Infamous for its abandoned sidewalks, we had a crazy idea over beer one night--a world record long hopscotch. Too young and stupid to know how young and stupid we were, we went through with it, and Hopscotch Detroit went from conception to birth (video here).

Hopscotch grew past our expectations, receiving a lot of press locally, nationally, and internationally, and just earlier this month, a group of equally crazy folks in Seattle decided to create another hopscotch course for their town.

Also...I once gave a TEDx talk about aliens.

But that's another story and shall be told another time :)

Cheers to you all. Looking forward to hearing from you,

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