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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh hello there, person! How ist thou? I ist well. I ist in France. I ist finally starting a blog.

I always had an excuse to not start this thing:
I'm not in the right state of mind.
I don't have pictures.
Nothing has happened.
I'm hungry.

Originally created nine months ago, this blog was supposed to document the adventures of my summer abroad in India. But, after those plans fell through, I abandoned ship.

Though how silly it would be to say that nothing has happened in the last nine months. I've filled journals, found passions, been laid off on account of a serial killer, ridden a unicycle, lost someone loved, among so many other things.

Adventuring is a non-discriminatory activity. It's everywhere and is for everyone.

So, nine months later, here I am.

Guys, I hath given birth to my blog baby. Hope you'll stick around to see it grow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Je te manque mais je suis contente que tu as commencé ce blog; je peut entendre ton voix (pas vraiment, bien sur, tu sais ce que je dit...).

PS- la classe français SUCKS sans toi.